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Clarinet Choir

Rehearsals: Monday 19:00 - 21:00pm, Auditorium (Victoria Rooms)
Chamber Orchestra is a high-standard student-lead ensemble that welcomes around 40 musicians from across the University to perform a variety of thrilling professional repertoire, from classical symphonies to 20th century music. Each year they put on at least three performances at some of Bristol premier concert halls including St George's and the Vicotria rooms. Chamber orchestra gets priority to play in the orchestra for our annual international tour.
Auditions take place in Freshers Week. If you have any questions please contact the manager at:
Meet the Conductor: Jago Webb
Jago Webb is a violinist and 3rd year Music undergraduate, with a particular interest in arrangement and composition. Before Bristol, he was joint leader of the Opera North Youth Orchestra. He later played by invitation for the Sinfonia of Leeds before that the City of Leeds Youth Orchestra. At university, Jago has led the University of Bristol Symphony Orchestra and the Tour Orchestra, as well as conducting BUMS String Orchestra. The BUMS Chamber Orchestra is his second conducting role, he aims to explore different repertoire from multiple periods. When not making music, Jago is known to talk about Nottingham Forest, he enjoys walking in the Yorkshire Dales, and doing park run.

Rehearsals: Monday 19:00 - 21:00 pm, G12 (Victoria Rooms)
The University Chamber Choir is an auditioned group of around 40-50 high-standard singers, performing a wide and varied range of choral repertoire over the course of the year. Performing at least three concerts every year, the choir gets to sing in some Bristol's flagship venues and churches, including at our annual St George's concert. The choir makes up the bulk of our international tour choir.
Auditions are in Freshers Week. If you have any questions please contact the manager at: BUMSchamberchoir@outlook.com
Meet the Conductor: Daisy Dorsch
Daisy is a third-year geography student from Cheshire. She currently sings with Bristol University Singers and Bristol University Madrigal Ensemble. Last year she had the pleasure of conducting Minerva Choir, with her fabulous manager Kodey Williams. As well as singing, Daisy plays the piano, accompanying choirs and solo performers outside of University – she also performed with Symphonic Winds last year! Occasionally, you can find her in the pit band of a musical; last year she was musical director for MTB’s ‘Carrie’ and their 48-hour production of ‘Les Miserables’. Daisy is thrilled to be running Chamber Choir this year alongside Liv Mills, and can’t wait to meet all the fantastic singers joining.

Rehearsals: Wednesday 17:00 - 19:00pm, Auditorium (Victoria Rooms)
Symphonic Winds is the University’s high standard auditioned wind band. We showcase a varied programme, performing standard wind band repertoire, with music by new composers, alongside fun medleys from films and musicals. We are a very sociable and close-knit band, who put on regular socials throughout the year; these include pub trips, nights out, quizzes and coffee mornings. Symphonic Winds has approximately 40 members.
Auditions are after Freshers Week. If you have any questions please contact the manager at:
Meet the Conductor: Patrick Colson
Patrick is a third year music student and multi-instrumentalist. He started piano lessons aged five, and went on to learn clarinet, drum kit and classical accordion, playing in orchestras, concert bands and jazz bands since secondary school. Since joining BUMS, he has also picked up the bassoon, saxophone and timpani, and plays regularly in multiple ensembles across the university. Symphonic Winds is his first conducting opportunity and he is looking forward to playing fun and challenging repertoire with one of the highest-standard ensembles at the university.

Rehearsals: Thursday 19:00 - 21:00 pm, Recital Room, (Victoria Rooms)
The Baroque Ensemble is an auditioned group dedicated to historically informed, high standard performance of the baroque repertoire. Due to its smaller size and passionate members, the ensemble has a unique family ambience. Places are available for a core group of strings, woodwinds and continuo, as well as brass and percussion.
Auditions are after the Freshers Week. If you have any questions please contact the manager at:
Meet the Conductor: Nathaniel Joyce
I’m Nathaniel, and I’m in my 3rd Year of a Biology/Plant Sciences degree. I’ve played the flute for 9 years, and during my training grew a real passion for music from across the baroque era, from Montiverdi to Telemann. Beyond baroque music, I also have a passion for Celtic folk, being part of the Folk Society’s Ceili band and having previously danced competitively. I’ve really loved being part of the Baroque Ensemble over the last two years, and as ensemble leader (not really a conductor!) I will be looking to maintain our high attention to detail along with our friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

Rehearsals: Monday 17:00 - 18:30 pm, Auditorium (Victoria Rooms)
The Wind Orchestra is the largest of the non-auditioned ensembles and performs pieces in a wide range of musical styles. We welcome all abilities of wind, brass, and percussion players, so come along, meet new people, explore new music and enjoy being in a friendly and social ensemble! Our wind orchestra competes in the annual South West Universities Concert Band Festival, co-founded by Bristol but now featuring 7 universities across the South West!
If you have any questions please contact the manager at: BUMSwindorchestra@outlook.com
Meet the Conductor: Finlay Cooper
I'm Finlay and I'm a second year Philosophy student and I'm thrilled to be conducting Wind Orchestra this year. A pianist, trombonist and guitarist, my taste in music ranges from impressionist and romantic classical works to jazz fusion and standards; most prominently I have a massive passion for musical theatre with a love for pre-contemporary composers. Outside of playing with BUMS you can find me conducting and playing music for MTB as their music coordinator, playing with the Bristol University Jazz Orchestra or composing bits and bobs. I'm looking forward to sharing the exciting repertoire I have planned with you all this year!!

Rehearsals: Thursday 19:00 - 21:00 pm, Auditorium (Victoria Rooms)
The University of Bristol Brass Band is a friendly and hardworking non- auditioned ensemble, welcoming brass (standard brass band instruments + trumpets) and percussion players of all standards. The band holds a number of concerts throughout the academic year, the highlight of which being competing at UniBrass in February, the annual inter-university brass band contest! The band also has regular socials after rehearsals. In previous years, the band has been lucky enough to have workshops led by Philip Harper, conductor of the Cory Band, as well as sectionals led by section principals. If you would like to improve your playing and musicianship in a fun and low-pressure ensemble, join Brass Band on Thursday evenings in the Victoria Rooms Auditorium!
If you have any questions please contact the manager at:
Meet the Conductor: Jake Wingfield
Jake Wingfield is a 2nd Year Music student from the West Midlands. Despite having played trumpet and cornet since he was 7, his primary performance study is voice, and is also a member of Bristol University Singers. However, this does not stop his passion for brass band music, and this is his first time conducting a large scale ensemble. He has aspirations of taking his conducting further in future years at university, and (hopefully) into his career afterwards. Outside of the Music Department, Jake is the President of the university’s quiz society, and can be found competing in an online quiz league and in live tournaments across the UK on weekends.

Rehearsals: Wednesday 17:00 - 18:30pm, Recital Room (Victoria Rooms)
String orchestra is a fun and exciting ensemble open to all string players without the pressures of auditions or intensive practice regimes. Violin, viola, cello, and double bass players are welcome to join as we strive to play challenging and engaging music to a high standard. Our repertoire is always varied, drawing on music of all genres. Players have the opportunity to showcase their work in 3 concerts over the year. If you want to play in a sociable and quality ensemble, join us on Wednesday evenings in the Recital Room in the Victoria Rooms!
If you have any questions please contact the manager at: BUMSstrings@outlook.com
Meet the Conductor: Neve Humphreys
Hi I’m Neve and I conduct BUMS string orchestra! I’m a second year music student from Liverpool and I play the Cello. I am also the new secretary for Symphonia and I play in their symphony and Philharmonic orchestra as well as in the department’s symphony orchestra. Aside from music I love to make clothes by sewing, crocheting or knitting and I have a passion for destroying my hair by constantly changing its colour without a hairdressers licence.

Rehearsals: Friday 17:00 - 19:00pm, Recital Room (Victoria Rooms)
Flute choir is a fun and sociable ensemble. We are an un-auditioned ensemble and welcome flautists of all abilities to join our ever-growing group. We have a variety of challenging and easier parts, with additional opportunities to try out the piccolo and alto flute. Join our friendly community every Friday evening at the Victoria rooms as a great way to wind down from the week! If you have any questions please contact the manager.
Meet the Conductor: Emilia McKinney
Emilia is a second year maths student. She has previously been principal flute in the Berkshire Youth Symphony Orchestra and now plays flute and piccolo in multiple ensembles within the university. She also enjoys performing as a soloist and in chamber groups. Although her first study is flute, Emilia has also been playing piano and recorder for over 12 years. She has experience conducting both orchestras and choirs and also enjoys creating new arrangements of pieces for flute choir.

Rehearsals: Tuesday 17.00 to 18.30pm, St. Paul's Church Clifton
Minerva Choir, BUMS’ friendly non-auditioned choir invites anyone along to sing, whether you have sang for years or just want to give it a try. Minerva choir sings a variety of repertoire, from fun pop arrangements to classic choral tunes, with a particular emphasis on Christmas songs during the winter season. Bring your friends and flatmates for a wholesome weekly singing rehearsal! If you have any questions please contact the manager.
Meet the Conductor: Theo Ball
I’m Theo, I’m a second year music student and I’m really excited to conduct the Minerva choir! I’ve sung in choirs ever since I was little and am looking forward to helping other people have the joy of singing in a choir. I’ve had experience in conducting in the church choir I grew up singing in and I look forward to developing my skills further. Last year I was in University singers, MADS and Chamber choir so I was doing plenty of singing! I can’t wait to get started with my conducting.

Rehearsals: Thursday 17.00 to 19.00pm, St. Paul's Church Clifton
Clarinet choir is the newest BUMS ensemble that was formed after the success of a give it a go session, where they made it onto the BUMS Christmas calendar with an arrangement of Jingle Bells. Clarinet Choir is open to players of all levels offering a variety of standard repertoire, ensemble specific arrangements and music by new composers. With multiple concerts throughout the year, Clarinet Choir get the opportunity to play in Bristol’s churches alongside the chamber music concert series.
If you have any questions please contact the manager at: BUMSclarinetchoir@outlook.com

Meet the Conductor: Charlie Kay
Charlie Kay is a second year undergraduate Music student from Hertfordshire. Having played the clarinet for over 10 years Charlie has been involved in many ensembles before and in university such as Chamber Orchestra and Symphonic Winds, alongside a variety of chamber music. Charlie is also a keen composer, having won Bristol University Symphonia’s composing competition in his first year, he is now the undergraduate composition network officer for BUMS. Charlie is looking forward to running Clarinet Choir alongside Lucas Dick, as it was Lucas’s passion for the clarinet which formed the ensemble.